Monday, March 26, 2007


Explore New Web Tools was a part of the training I found frustrating, interesting, and fascinating. I’m not a computer gadget, electronic kind of person, so this session forced me to discover some awesome web sites, such as Flikr, and not so reliable ones, in my opinion, such as WIKIpedia. I also discovered such web tools as blogs, podcasts, podomate, and looked into audio books and I also looked deeper into hand held devices, such as ipods, which I learned how to use, and blackberries. We learned about the need for certain software or gadgets as requirements for compatibility with certain computer programs. I also discovered a whole new language of computer acronyms, quite scary. If you don’t know what some of these acronyms stand for, you might not be able to get the software or programming you need, or understand instructions that could otherwise be simple to follow.
I came across instructions that stated something like …and don’t forget your PDF files so everyone can read them. PDF, portable document format, a translation format to distribute so everyone can read your files.

Note: I still have to complete my digital eBook assignment

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