Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Adriana Camacho-Church
Bear Library
New Castle County

Project Title: INFORMATE (Get Informed)
Information in Spanish

Description: A table with information written in Spanish for Spanish speaking patrons. Fliers, brochures, booklets, and bilingual newspapers, inform patrons of library, community, state, and federal programs and services.


A Spanish speaking patron with limited English skills walks into a library.
She walks toward the reference desk with a determined face.

“ESL (English as a Second Language) class?” she asks annunciating each letter and word.

“Do you speak Spanish?” asks the librarian with a smile.

“Yes,” says the patron.

The reference librarian stands up and walks with the patron to a table where a big, colorful sign hangs across the top of a pegboard. INFORMATE (get informed) reads the sign.

The patron looks surprised and pleased.

The librarian hands her a blue bookmark with a list of phone numbers and names of places that offer free ESL classes in the area.

The patron smiles and says, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” says the librarian.

The librarian walks away.

The patron looks at and takes other information.

Later on that day, the patron meets a girl friend for lunch.
“I now know where to go for a mammogram exam and I know how Arturo can sign up for financial aid,” said the patron in Spanish, as she pulls out two brochures from her purse.

“Where did you get these?” her friend asks in Spanish.

“A friendly librarian at the Bear Library showed me a table with information written in Spanish. Fliers, brochures, booklets, and bilingual newspapers, inform patrons of library, community, state, and federal programs and services.

“What a great idea! Said the friend, “I’ll have to stop by and check it out.”


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